The flat fellas were reminded it is good practice when traveling far from home to have a buddy, someone to help read a map to find where you want to go. A friend to joke around with and share new discoveries with — a fellow explorer to recall favorite moments from the day with when it is over.
Flying Foxes, aka Fruit Bats, in Thurston Gardens… beware, word is these flyers have keen sight despite their name.
Mimosa pudica, also known as the sensitive plant, is a flowering plant in the pea family. It’s native to South and Central America and is a widespread weed in tropical regions. Mimosa pudica is known for its reaction to touch, with its leaflets quickly folding inward and drooping when touched or shaken. The leaves reopen in several minutes, and it’s thought that this adaptation is a defense against browsing herbivores… wish the flat fellas had known this sooner! We do our best to avoid touching plants and animals as we travel, but we might have made an exception for this one!
Do you know of any other plants or animals with interesting reactions like that?
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