Flat Stanley arrived from Canada with a packet of information about his homeland, some treats to share with his new friends, and one of his books — which led to an impromptu book club his first night in town.
Is impromptu a new word for you?
Do you ever hear the words spontaneously or improvised?
Impromptu is similar to those… none of them rely on obvious advance planning, instead they focus on enjoying the moment and having fun!
A book club is a place where you can talk with people who like the same characters and stories you do, in this case in books! (Do you and your friends talk about movies? Superheroes? Television shows?)
Impromptu means something is done, made, or formed without preparation or advance thought. For example, you might have an impromptu party if friends show up unexpectedly.
Here are some other examples of using the word impromptu:
• “He made an impromptu speech about honor and responsibility”.
• “Some of the best kinds of parties are impromptu ones, when you decide at the last minute to get together”.
The word impromptu comes from the Latin phrase in promptū, which means “in readiness”.
A book club can refer to a group of people who meet to discuss books they’ve read… or said another way:
• Book discussion club: A group of people who meet regularly to discuss books they’ve read.
Where’s my copy of “Oh the places you’ll go”? These two fine Flat lads have no idea the adventures that await them.
#flatstanley #flathal
Some nitty gritty details that Flat Hal doesn’t seem interested in, but I am.
As I work on both Flat Hal and Flat Stanley’s journals I’ll be posting here at FlatHal.xyz Images don’t always load, so I’ll try and present the text from the journal entries in the blog pages, as well as in the images of the journal entries.
This was the first entry I wrote with the idea of using it in the blog as well as the journals, so I thought I’d share my first draft. As much as I liked the look of it, I did it in an app that I could only figure out how to design a single page at a time in. I’ve opted to switch to one where I can flow between pages.
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