Flat Hal went with us to our Doctor’s offices as we got our physicals and checked in with our doctors to make sure we’re in good shape to travel. We have some big plans, and wouldn’t want to miss out on some fun because we forgot to take care our ourselves.
My doctor has a big sign on the wall that says it all… our goal is Living Well.
The physical only takes a few minutes, he listens to our heart and lungs… and we talk about where we are going. Different parts of the world have different risks. Some you can get a vaccine to protect against… sometimes he warns us about things like mosquitoes being carriers for a disease we’d rather not get. (I wouldn’t mind help carry your book bag home from school… but what those mosquitoes are carrying sounds a lot less fun!)
You may remember my sharing when I went to my Doctor a few days ago.
But I’m not the only one going on the trip… so my travel companion went to see their Doctor too.
Yup, their Doctor listened to their heart, checked their reflexes, same basic stuff. We are GOOD TO GO.
Doctors are great people, not just because they help us when we feel bad, because they can help us stay healthy too.
Hippocrates is regarded as the father of medicine. He lived in ancient Greece and was a physician, or doctor. He is viewed as one of the greatest physicians in history, but few facts about his life are known.
It is thought that Hippocrates was born in about 460 bce on the island of Cos in Greece. According to others who lived at the same time as Hippocrates, he was greatly admired as a physician and a teacher. Plato refers to Hippocrates’ skill as a physician in two of his writings. Aristotle said that Hippocrates was called “the Great Physician.” Hippocrates appears to have traveled widely in Greece and Asia Minor, practicing medicine and teaching.
A collection of writing associated with Hippocrates has survived. The Hippocratic Collection contains about 60 medical works. Most of them were probably not written by Hippocrates. The works provide a sense of the medicine that was practiced by Hippocrates and other physicians of his era.
The text of the Hippocratic Oath is contained in the collection. This oath is a code of principles for medical teachers and their students. In the oath, the physician promises to give only beneficial treatments; to not cause harm or hurt; and to live a positive personal and professional life. Today, many doctors take the oath upon graduating from medical school.
The timeline is from a webpage about The History of the Stethoscope , sometimes it feels like you can learn more about anything you are curious about!
If you could go on a trip anywhere, who would you like to go with?
Why would you choose that travel companion?
Where would you go?
Why? (Is it somewhere you have been before, or somewhere you’ve only heard about?)
For my printed journal I decided to combine both our visits to our Doctors for physicals in to one three page entry.
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