Flat Hal and Flat Stanley enjoy Christmas Eve book club with a timely selection

#flatstanley #flatstanleychristmasadventure

’Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro’ the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,


Wait a second, Flat Stanley and Flat Hal aren’t snug in their beds! They’re huddled up with their friend Halena for a Christmas Eve Book Club.

Flat Stanley received a Christmas surprise from home! A package full of books, and an ornament to add to the tree.

What are your favorite winter activities?
Do you have a favorite holiday tradition? A favorite song to sing this time of year?

Flat Hal and Flat Stanley invited Flat Halena to Book Club

One of Flat Stanley’s books arrived in the mail from his teacher! It was the perfect excuse to curl up under the Christmas tree and read.

Some people read the same book every winter, does your family?

Others make a point of giving one another a new book, inviting them to explore a new world… does anyone give you books? Do you have a favorite series of books? A favorite character?

One of our holiday traditions is making ornaments, and handmade gifts, for friends and family. Most of the ornaments in this picture were made by someone I am related to! I am trying to make something different this year, here is some of the art I have made to be part of the ornaments. Fingers crossed they turn out well, and look nice on the tree.

Flat Stanley and Flat Hal saw an Austin Tradition…

Along the side of one of our highways people pick a tree and decorate it for a season. It is a bit of a game to those who drive the road daily, spotting the trees that have been decorated over night — and trying to catch someone in the act!

Do you celebrate Christmas, or something else in December?

Or is everyday a unique and special day in and of itself?

My household celebrates Christmas…

I have friends who celebrate Hanukkah, Ōmisoka, Bodhi Day, and Yule.

I have friends in the Greek Orthodox Church who exchange gifts on New Year’s Day, and German friends who celebrate Saint Nicholas Day.

I enjoy learning from my friends, and discovering how they celebrate and live.

Whatever your traditions may be, I hope Flat Hal has brought you some joy and smiles this year.

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