Tag: Honolulu

  • Honolulu – eye-catching plants and flowers

    Honolulu – eye-catching plants and flowers

    When you travel do you notice plants that don’t grow where you live?  Animals that don’t live in your area?  Is there a plant or animal you really want to see, or enjoy reading about?

  • Honolulu sightseeing – famous statues and landmarks

    Honolulu sightseeing – famous statues and landmarks

    King Kamehameha I  A great warrior, diplomat and leader, King Kamehameha I united the Hawaiian Islands into one royal kingdom in 1810 after years of conflict.  (From goHawaii.com) Aliʻiolani Hale Iolani Palace under the Hawaii state flag  Queen Lili’Uokalani  It feels like more and more places have QR codes with links to more information.  I take pictures…

  • Honolulu – Birds we saw near the Capitol building and port area

    Honolulu – Birds we saw near the Capitol building and port area

    cattle egret Another cattle egret — I found these thin birds quite remarkable to watch. Great myna bird pacific plover two cardinals Red-crested cardinal  House sparrow Zebra Dove Spotted Dove A pigeon and white pigeon (I’m hearing these white pigeons are often mistaken for doves and referred to as doves, I would love to understand…

  • Visiting Honolulu — Capital of Hawaii 

    Visiting Honolulu — Capital of Hawaii 

    Have you heard someone say “a picture is worth a thousand words”? This is a time when I feel that way.  Not only does this picture capture the State Capitol building, with the state seal on the BIG round piece of metal hanging out front, but it also shows something really special about the people of…